Install App
What’s this app?
This app is a Progressive Web App (or simply PWA). Install it on any smartphone, tablet or desktop computer — it uses very little storage space and requires no updates. By design, a PWA cannot access your device data or personal information.
Install LiveTV in a few seconds — directly from your browser. This app is available on Android (Firefox, Google Chrome, Samsung Internet, Microsoft Edge, Opera, Brave, Huawei Browser, Baidu, UCWeb), on Windows and macOS (with Chrome or Edge), and on iOS with Safari (since iOS 11.3). Simply click on the Install button at the top of the page.
On desktop, Safari and Firefox do not support PWA installation. They do support offline capabilities, but the experience will always start within the browser user interface. It may get fullscreen, but never a standalone window on desktop.
On iOS and iPadOS, PWAs are only installable if the user is using Safari. That means that users won’t install PWAs if they use different browser apps, such as Google Chrome, Firefox, or Microsoft Edge. On both Android and iOS, users can’t install PWAs from many in-app browsers, such as Facebook Mobile Browser, Instagram, Google Search App, or Gmail.
Other devicesdevices_other
Some other small devices support PWAs, such as game consoles (Xbox with Microsoft Store) or XR devices (Microsoft Hololens, plans for Facebook’s Oculus). However, the rest of the devices with a browser do not typically accept PWAs, including:
- Game consoles
- Smart TVs
- Smartwatches
- Cars
How to install a Progressive Web App?
Installing a PWA can be a confusing process and looks quite different from one device to another. As such, we put together this handy guide to help you figure out how to install a PWA on your Android smartphone, iPhone, or computer. Read more.